川島範久建築設計事務所 Nori Architects
代表 川島範久 Norihisa Kawashima
川島範久建築設計事務所 代表取締役|明治大学理工学部建築学科 准教授
主な受賞ー日本建築学会賞(作品)(NBF大崎ビル〈旧・ソニーシティ大崎〉)、サステナブル住宅賞 国土交通大臣賞(Diagonal Boxes)、住まいの環境デザイン・アワード グランプリ(Yuji Yoshida Gallery / House)、JIA環境大賞(一宮のノコギリ屋根)、グッドデザイン・ベスト100(REVZO 虎ノ門)、SDGs建築賞 住宅・建築SDGs推進センター理事長賞(GOOD CYCLE BUILDING 001|淺沼組名古屋支店改修PJ)、前田工学賞(博士論文『日本における環境配慮型建築の設計プロセスに関する研究』)、日本建築学会著作賞(著書『環境シミュレーション建築デザイン実践ガイドブック―自然とつながる建築をめざして』)。
- 『地球に暮らすリアリティ―「環境住宅」を巡る議論の先に』(共著),2018
- 『地球の上の建築 ── 太陽・大地・⽣命と建築』,2019
- 『くさる建築:生命の循環から、建築・都市を考え直す』,2020
- 『建築と都市の新しい大きさについて考える』,2020
- 『 川島範久が語る“REVZO虎ノ門”・“GOOD CYCLE BUILDING 001”と“建築思索”』,2021
- 『立体最小限住居・再々考』,2022
- 『ArchiFuture連載コラム』,2021-
- 『Architecturephotoアーカイブ(川島範久)』,2015-
- 『建築家という職能の行方──アーキエイド総会・レコードブックレビュー』,2016
- 『2012-2013年の都市・建築・言葉 アンケート』, 2013
Nori Architects
Nori Architects is committed to designing and practicing towards an architecture with nature. Nature here refers to the climate, including sunlight and natural winds, materials such as soil and wood, the earth, plants, insects, birds, animals, microorganisms, and all other forms of life. We live on the earth and in relation to various things. We pursue environmental design that allows us to reevaluate our values and behavior without losing this sense, even in densely populated cities such as Tokyo.
Representative: Norihisa Kawashima
Principal & Founder, Nori Architects
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Meiji University
Born in 1982, Norihisa Kawashima graduated from the University of Tokyo in 2005 and completed his master’s degree at the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo in 2007. He then worked at Nikken Sekkei until 2014. He received his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo in 2016. Kawashima is currently the director of Nori Architects, which was founded in 2017, and an associate professor at Meiji University.
2023 Architectural Institute of Japan’s Book Award
2023 Chairman’s Prize in the in the 1st SDGs Architecture Award from IBECs
2021 Good Design Best 100 in GOOD DESIGN AWARD
2020 1st Prize in the 21st JIA Sustainable Architecture Award
2018 1st Prize in the 25th Maeda Engineering Award (commended for the Doctoral thesis)
2017 1st Prize in the Housing Environmental Design Award 2017 from TOKYO GAS
2016 1st Prize(Prize from MLIT) in the 7th Sustainable Housing Award from IBEC
2014 The Prize of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan)
村田修 Osamu MURATA
國友拓郎 Takuro KUNITOMO
竹内翔平 Shohei TAKEUCHI
幸永幹真 Mikima YOSHINAGA
数井靖子 Yasuko KAZUI
磯野信 Makoto ISONO
上塘耀己 Yoki KAMITOMO
渕野剛史 Tsuyoshi FUCHINO